Thursday, June 10, 2010

Attitude Adjustment

I've been a little bit grumpy about farming this year.

More than a little.

May I whine for a moment?

I haven't felt like: getting dirty or sweaty; dealing with watery, sneezy allergies; trudging back up the field to retrieve the 100th thing my kids need or that I forgot.

I have wanted to do exactly as I please... read, write, watch movies, download itunes, in short, enjoy MY summer in MY way!

Hmmmm, where in all of this did I forget that life is not all about me?

I have a great husband who is working very hard and needs my help with our huge farm. Didn't we dream together of country life and sustainable living?

I have two awesome kids who just want to be WITH me, talk to me, "help" me all the time. Isn't this what I yearned for during those long years of infertility?

Yes, I worked hard during the school year. Yes, it was stressful. Yes, I need a break.

But most of all I need a break from me. Jesus poured all of himself out for me. Can I not do even half so much for those dearest to me? I am encouraged to serve, to love, to give. I need not grasp and hang on to my time so tightly. He will give me more than I need.


J said...

Thank you Jen for your incredible honesty and perspective. It has blessed me in a big way today. You are so dear!

Becky Avella said...

Blessed me, too. Beautiful post and heart. : ) See you tomorrow.

Hilty Sprouts said...

Thanks friends! I was finally ready to let go of all those big uglies in my heart! Jesus is awesome and so much more than any of us deserve. Glad He loves me!

Becky Avella said...

Thanks for the fun tonight. I just wanted to see if I liked the look of my new profile picture. So, "hi!" : )

Hilty Sprouts said...

I like the pic B!