Friday, July 18, 2008

How Does our Garden Grow?

Our garden is growing quite well, especially the weeds. Yes, the weeds are flourishing, I have to give them an A for effort. The most prolific are "curly dock" which have huge, long roots that will simply re-grow if you pull them and leave them out on the ground and if you leave just one tiny piece of the root in the ground, it will grow a whole new plant. They have survival skills alright.
The intentionally planted parts of our garden have really taken off lately too. We have been picking snow peas, zucchini, crook-neck squash, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, and beets. Yum!

I love tomatillos. They look like miniature paper lanterns. I don't know much about them except they are used to make salsa verde.
Okay, true confession time. I don't think I have ever eaten eggplant. Are they good? How do you cook them? Their flowers and fruit are gorgeous, I just don't have a clue what to do with them. For now, Joel is selling them to his coworkers.
We have a few broccoli plants that made it. Note the happy weeds in the background.

Mmmmm. Onions!This is one of the few loofah plants that survived the Memorial Day storm. I really want to try drying them for sponges. I just think that is so cool.

This is not the best picture but it's the best my old camera can do! We steamed some Swiss chard and lightly stir fried zucchini, garlic, basil and onions tossed with fresh tomatoes and topped with mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Oooh baby!


Nikki Hoover said...

Here's the eggplant recipe that Dan likes....

= )

Anonymous said...

growing egg plan is one thing...eating it is a whole different thing...


Anonymous said...

Your garden looks great!!! Weeds are always a good sign of good soil. Curly dock, huh? Sounds like a nasty one. Our equivalent weed is called mallow. We have a constant war with it - argh. I think that tomatillas are one of the most unique and pretty plants you can grow. Keep eating those tasty veggies! Sarah